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Writer's pictureJasmine Lane

Breaking News: Blow Jobs Kill Corona Virus

Updated: Jul 11, 2020

Now that I’ve got your attention…

Greetings gentlemen,

I sincerely hope you are all happy and healthy wherever you might be reading this.

I expect that it might be quite some time before I will be seeing some of your gorgeous smiling faces. While it saddens me greatly, I of course understand and respect your decision if you have committed to self-isolation. Let me first commend you for making the noble and responsible choice. It warms my heart to see so many of you sacrificing your lifestyles and your livelihoods to reduce the collective burden and to protect those in our community who are most vulnerable. It is these acts of kindness and compassion that remind me how lucky I am to have clients like you; clients who time and time again, restore my faith in humanity. I will miss you all so much, but rest assured, I will be waiting with open arms and unbridled passion to welcome you back once all of this is over.

For those of you who are still on the fence about whether you are comfortable making a booking amidst this terrifying new landscape, here’s an update regarding my movements. Please note that I am not trying to persuade you one way or the other; you are all adults and are capable of weighing up the benefits versus the risks for yourselves. I could not in good conscience, ask you to compromise your well-being for the promise of temporary pleasure. But I am writing this out of a duty of care, because I feel that I owe you my full transparency during these most challenging times. We certainly live in a fast-moving world, and things appear to be changing by the day. However, for now, these are the most recent developments in Jasmine’s World…

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At this stage, I am still taking bookings (bear in mind, this could change without warning, given the fluidity of the situation). However, I am choosing to only spend time with gentlemen I know well. My rationale for this, is that I will be relying on my regular clients for whom I have already established a profound sense of trust. These gentlemen are my nearest and dearest, and I can sleep soundly knowing that they will be open and honest with me. Before each booking there will be an additional screening process to ensure there has been no recent overseas travel, no flu-like symptoms, no contact with an infected person, no participation in large events or crowds, etc. Obviously given the asymptomatic incubation period of the virus, this screening does not provide any concrete certainties. For this reason, I also ask that my clients notify me after the booking, should any worrisome symptoms develop. And I will of course grant you all the same courtesy. Knowledge is power. The more we communicate, the more effective and efficient we can be in protecting ourselves.

I have always limited myself to a low volume of bookings, however for the safety of myself and my beloved clients, I will be cutting back even further in the coming weeks. I will continue to be available on Mondays and Fridays only, however strict quotas will now be in place. Booking in advance will be essential, as once I have reached maximum capacity there will be no concessions or exceptions. On Mondays, I will invite only one or two gentlemen to visit. I will be self-isolating in my apartment for the remainder of the day, where I’m hoping to get lots of study done (and perhaps a little bit of blogging to touch base with my forlorn clients in quarantine). I will then enjoy some time with one or two clients on Friday. It is my optimistic hope that by enjoying the company of no more than three gentlemen per week, the likelihood of exposure is relatively low.

I will also be implementing a new 1-hour-minimum rule, aiming for quality encounters, rather than a higher quantity. This too, is designed to minimise my risk of exposure, which will in turn mitigate any risk to my clients. For your peace of mind, please know that on my non-rostered days, I will be at home focusing on my studies, spring-cleaning, dancing around my living room, hanging out with my dog, and catching up on a good book or two. No public places. No classrooms. No shopping. No social gatherings. Nothing but me, myself and my favourite pyjamas. It’s an introvert’s paradise!

More than ever before, hygiene is paramount! As such, I will have extra measures in place (hand sanitiser, antiseptic wash, room deodoriser, isopropyl wipes, mouthwash, and so on). If you prefer to refrain from kissing during our encounters then I completely understand and I will not take any offence. However, kissing is something I really love so it is still on offer should you wish to take me up on it. As we learn more and more about how the virus behaves and transmits, I feel that sharing a passionate kiss with two or three clients per week in the comfort of my bedroom, is associated with statistically less risk compared to being in the community breathing the same air and touching the same items as countless other humans. Contracting Corona virus is a game of numbers. It is the frequency of interactions that seems to be far more telling than the nature or closeness of those interactions. In other words, it is safer to be very close and intimate with 2 or 3 special humans (as the probability of one of them being a carrier is slim), compared to keeping an entire supermarket full of humans at arm’s length, (where there is a significantly greater chance of a carrier being in the bunch and shedding particles into the shared environment). This data will change as more of the population becomes infected, however for now, taking a very limited number of bookings with repeat clientele, is not any more risky than a person living in close quarters with a handful of family members.

As many of you know, I do have a part-time job in the medical field. However mine is not a workplace that became understaffed or overworked due to COVID-19. Instead we faced cutbacks of shifts and hours, and so with a heavy heart I decided to take a leave of absence. Please don’t get me wrong, I would love to continue to be on the frontline helping where I can, however I am fortunate that I do have another option in terms of income right now. I am blessed that with escorting I can limit my social exposure to a minute number of individuals, while freeing up shifts in my regular job for people who need them far more than me. Some of my beautiful hardworking co-workers were suddenly faced with being the sole breadwinners after their partners found themselves out of work following the latest government restrictions. These are people who previously worked only a casual shift here or there as a bit of extra pocket-money, and suddenly they need to feed their whole family with that money. It was a difficult decision (like so many decisions amid this crisis) but I came to the realisation that by taking a hiatus, I will be protecting my family, my clients and myself, whilst also providing more opportunities for my colleagues and making their lives just a little bit easier. Work is a privilege that has been taken away from so many of us, and I think the impact of that (both economically and emotionally), is much more detrimental than any of us anticipated.

I want to take this time to extend my heartfelt thanks to my clients who have already shown me steadfast loyalty during this time. I am certain this hardship will only bring us closer. When we share the burden, none of us will go through it alone. Thank you for the comfort and support you consistently grace me with. I can always count on you guys. Not just in the financial sense (although I’m so grateful for your help with that too), but also just by checking in to see how I’m holding up, by being there to listen as I vent about the uncertainness of our future, or even just offering to donate a roll of toilet paper haha. The sexual gratification and pleasure are one thing, but times like these remind me how much I truly value my friendships with you all.

Although these are difficult times, I am determined to help take your mind off all this COVID noise. Let me melt away some of that tension in your shoulders. Allow me to be your calm in this crazy storm. All that panic, the fear and the stress, can wait. Now more than ever, let’s get lost in each other and forget what lies outside these four walls. I know it has only just begun, but sometimes it feels like Corona has dominated our lives for so long. All we see, hear and read these days is Corona this and Corona that. Yes, it is as serious as they say. Yes, we should be concerned. But we all need a break from it from time to time. I have no doubt that passion has the power to provide that respite. I don’t know about you, but I am more than ready for some much-needed intimacy; a welcome distraction from the ongoing narrative threatening to change life as we know it.

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As a society, we need to stay away from those who are immunocompromised, we should all be practicing rigorous hand hygiene, and it’s important that we limit our interactions in the community whenever possible. Social distancing is our greatest weapon against this enemy. I appreciate that better than most. However, I for one am not ready just yet for distancing that is absolute. For me, it is our connectedness that makes us human. Intimacy is so very vital to me; I often question how long I can really survive without it? So, I have made an informed decision that for now I will indulge in just a little. I will be practicing intimacy in moderation. Infrequent doses, but just enough to keep me alive. And most importantly, I will stay far far away from those whose choice differs from mine.

We all need to be here for each other at a time like this. Whether we are in each other’s arms, or only in each other’s thoughts, together we will get through this.

All my love,

Jasmine xx


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